
GreyHat is Georgia Tech's Cybersecurity club. We focus on teaching practical skills in analyzing, exploiting, and defending computer systems, along with reverse engineering applications. We also have a competitive Capture-the-Flag (CTF) team. All skill levels are welcome, even if you've never heard the word "cybersecurity" before!

We also host a yearly beginner-intermediate CTF in the fall, WRECKCTF (ctftime).

We are open to all GT students, including OMSCS students.


Join our Discord for up-to-date meeting location and updates.

GreyHat holds two weekly meetings:

  • Tuesdays (6:30 PM): CTF team meetings where we solve CTF problems (What is a CTF?).
  • Thursdays (6:30 PM): General meeting where members or guest lecturers present on cybersecurity topics.

Presentations from prior years can be found in the #archives channel on Discord or in our archives!

Join our Discord group for club communications, security chatter, CTF competitions, and GT cybersecurity course discussion!

Subscribe to our calendar to stay updated about our weekly meetings!